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大健身 AMNUA国际计划叁


展览日期:2018年9月19日- 10月17日

Big Workout

AMNUA International Project III

9/19 -10/17, 2018

Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China



2018年9月19日- 10月17日





The New Masses


9/19 -10/17, 2018

Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China

2018年9月19日- 10月17日



Ale Rolandi 李山   Annabel McCourt 安娜贝尔·麦考特   Another Land 家园计划   Cai Yuan 蔡元   Carl Akeley 卡尔·阿克利  Chen Jie 陈洁  Chu Jini 楚吉妮  Claude Closky 克劳德·克罗斯基   Daniel Ross 丹尼尔·罗斯   David Barison 戴维·巴里森  Evening School 夜校   Frederic Wiseman 弗雷德里克·怀斯曼  Gao Bo 高波  Gao Yuan 高元  Guo Jinhon 郭锦泓  Han Xu 韩旭  He Yunchang 何云昌  Heman Chong 张弈满  Hetain Patel 赫顿·帕特尔   Hu Renyi 胡任乂   Huang Jingyuan 黄静远   Jin Yangping 金阳平   Kalaija Quinn Mallery 卡拉嘉·奎因·马勒   Ken Kagami 加贺美健   Li Binyuan 厉槟源   Li Yifan 李一凡   Lin Aojie 林奥劼   Liu Xinyi 刘辛夷   Lu Yang 陆扬   Ma Lijiao 马力蛟   Michal Martychowiec 弥灏·马堤霍威兹  Moon Ribas 穆恩莉·莉巴斯   Musquiqui Chihying 致穎   Nanjing Outsider Art Studio 南京界外者工作室   Neil Harbisson 内尔·哈维森   Peng Tao 彭涛   Qin Tian 秦天   Richard Kuan 管钧   Robert Yerkes 罗伯特·亚尔克斯  Safe Mode Company 安康派公司   Social Sensibility R&D Department 社会敏感性研发部   Stefan Janoski 斯蒂芬·基诺斯基   Tan Yingjie 谭英杰   Tang Yan 唐彦   Twitter Live Drama October 《推特十月活报剧》项目   Wang Haibiao 王海彪   Wang Jiyu 王基宇   Wanja Kimani 汪嘉·基马尼  Xing Xin 幸鑫  Xu Bacheng 徐跋骋  Yao Qingmei 姚清妹  Ye Funa 叶甫纳  Yu Bogong 于伯公  Zeng Hong 曾宏  Zheng Ningyuan 郑宁远   Zhong Jinpei 钟锦沛



Yamin Wang 王亚敏  Qu Jun 曲俊




Film and Video After Punk



9/27 -10/15, 2018

Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China

2018年9月19日- 10月17日



Adam Ant 亚当·蚂蚁  Cerith Wyn Evans 塞里斯·温·埃文斯  Grayson Perry 格雷森·佩里   Isaac Julien 艾萨克·朱利安   Jennifer Binnie 珍妮弗·比尼   John Maybury 约翰·梅伯里    John Scarlett-Davis 约翰·斯卡雷特-戴维斯   John Smith 约翰·史密斯   Mike Mansfield 迈克·曼斯菲尔德  Steve Barron 史蒂夫·巴隆   The Neo-Naturists 新裸体主义者   Vanda Carter 万达·卡特


British Council      LUX      Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts      Film School of NUA, Cinematheque

主办:英国文化教育协会    艺术家影像机构LUX   南京艺术学院美术馆   南京艺术学院电影馆 



Zombies Controlled by Thumbs, Madmen Governed by Data


9/19-10/17, 2018 

Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China

2018年9月19日- 10月17日



Chen Paian 陈拍岸   Cui Shaohan 崔绍翰   Lin Cong 林枞   Ni Miao  Nimu?    Played by Mobilephone 《手机玩我》项目   Song Xi 宋兮   Tong Yao 童垚   Wang Yini 王旖旎   Wenjie Junjie 文皆俊杰   Ye Hui 叶慧   Zhang Yongji 张永基   Zhao Bang 赵邦


Curator 策展:Yang Xinja 杨欣嘉




Special Project


The Big Screen

Cinema and Movement '68 in Italy



9/27 - 10/13 - 2018 -


Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China




Alberto Grifi 阿尔贝托·格里菲   Comitato di lotta dellaRhodiatoce di Pallanza 帕兰扎的洛狄亚托切斗争委员会   Cinegiornali Liberi 自由新闻   Carmelo Bene 卡尔梅洛·贝内  Gianfranco Baruchello 詹弗兰科·巴卢切洛   Luca Maria Patella 卢卡·玛利亚·帕德拉   Lo Studio di Monte Olimpino 蒙特奥林匹诺工作室   Mario Schifano 马里奥·史奇法诺  Marco Bellocchio 马可·贝洛齐奥   Rosa Foschi 罗莎·弗斯奇   Romano Scavolini 罗马诺·斯卡沃里尼  Silvano Agosti 席尔瓦诺·阿戈斯蒂   Tonino De Bernardi 托尼诺·德·贝尔纳迪   Tanio Boccia 坦尼奥·波恰   Ugo Gregoretti 乌戈·格列高列蒂

Project curated by WUXU  

策划:WUXU研究项目(意大利& 中国)


AMNUA International Project   Team项目团队

Project Producer 项目出品人:Li XiaoShan李小山


Project Director & meditaor 项目总监:Wang Yamin王亚敏



Exhibition & special project curators 展览和特别项目策展人:

Wang Yamin王亚敏    Yang Xinjia杨欣嘉    William Fowler威廉·弗勒    WUXU WUXU研究项目    QuJun曲俊    LiuTing刘婷 


Executive Exhibition Director 展览执行总监:Qu Jun曲俊


Media Specialist 媒体 :Liu Ting刘婷

Designer 设计 :GaoYa 高雅  WangXin  王鑫   Jia Mengnan  贾梦楠


Curatorial Assistants 展览和活动助理 :Jiang Yuhang 蒋雨航   Fan Jiayun 范佳韵  Jia Zhenhai 贾振海   YangTao 杨涛   Zhang Lingling 张玲玲


Thanks to 鸣谢:GuoYihan 郭艺涵   JiangHongmin 姜闳敏   LiMingwei 李明蔚   LiTing 李停   LiYuxiao 李育晓   LinYaohui 林耀辉   LiuShu 刘澍   OuZhihao 欧志浩   ShenBin 沈斌    TuAnqi 涂安琪   ZhangLimo 张琍沫

Curated by Wang Yamin


























Distant Artists, Proximate Masses

In the past, workers operated machines and productionlines, becoming key features of social production. Later, artists found work incultural industries, gradually moving into the spotlight on the stage of socialproduction. Now, “everyone is an investor,” or “everyone is an artist,” and everyone has thrown themselves into the communist digital industry that is contemporary life. This is our larger reality.


In the past, when a painting, a sculpture, an installation, a performance art piece, or even a proposal text was presented in an artist’s studio, a gallery, a museum, the streets, or some alternate exhibition space, artists and their bodies were present. Art could still directly convey a concentration of the artist’s labor. Later, as the assembly line became longer, and the scale of outside contracting and hiring expanded, their methods became more advanced. Artists and their bodily labor were gradually lost—annihilated—when art became a consumer good.


The flesh-and-blood artists and their bodies have disappeared, but increasingly active amateur art lovers, the masses, and their bodies have appeared. Through the support of digital communication technologies with communist sensibilities, amateur art lovers and the masses have taken center-stage; they are tirelessly curious and idly chatting, making contemporary art lonely.



Running on Your Treadmills or Your Mobile Phone?

Not wanting to be left out, when the workout crew punches the clock and gets on the treadmill, a constantly increasing speed is set and they run continuously. Everyone is plugged into a smart phone, constantly touching it to launch WeChat and endlessly staring at the screen with headbowed, tapping at the keyboard to chat. With the amateur artists among the masses taking up this task with lightning speed and live-streaming their bodies, movements, and lives on the internet, they start a new round of never-ending group chats. Do we feel ourselves entering into an ultimate world from which labor has been eliminated, one in which only life and art exist?


There is still social production in a super-industry; it’s simply that the fixed assets are people and their bodies. Elon Musk has further shifted this game of the return to fixed asset investments into people’s brains. The plan to colonize Mars is his latest offshore economic proposal, and his Neuralink brain-machine interface wants to transform people into a new corps of man-machines. The threat that robots pose to humans and the threat of environmental apocalypse will be resolved by the proposals of this new space company, which promises a new free and democratic market for the universe. This is the path to human liberation that Musk has promised.


The only variable might be the “threat” of a new conception of “everyone is an artist.” When we re-proposed the idea of “social sculpture,” we wanted to return to actively shaping our own bodies, especiall your own brains. The term brain sculpture “does not imply what our brains canendure, but what our brains can consciously do.” This is a “big workout” for anew social sculpture. In factory sites of super-digital production, the masses take over control of body and brain machines, once again happily and collectively laboring—is this not the ultimate world that we have always dreamed of, in which everyone is an artist?


Do You Know What the Bodies of the Masses Are Capable of?

“You know what a body is capable of.” Baruch de Spinoza’s self-confidence isn’t enough; we need to know the joint capabilities of bodies,so you should know what the bodies of the masses are capable of. Yes, social production constantly organizes the masses, and we now collectively live on WeChat groups. This “big workout” will be a joint exercise for everyone.


A mass “social sculpture” implies a collective exercise.The artists walk far, but the masses return. The artist’s body has left the site, but the masses are present. It’s not that the artists have gone far; it’s actually that the artists have once again joined the masses. In honor of the gifts best owed by social production, true artists own nothing but their bodies and brains. They join in the mass exercise movement. It’s not that “everyone is an artist.” In fact, artists are everyone and art is a collective mass movement, a big workout.


About AMNUA International Project



大健身- AMNUA国际计划叁

Big Workout - AMNUA International Project III


活动回顾 | 电影馆 & AMNUA :书写的屏幕

重摄身体的界面-英国朋克后的电影和录像艺术放映谈话 |AMNUA 活动预告


 《画刊 》 ∣ 特稿 · 大健身 Great Fitness· 锻炼,用屏幕去活!

 《画刊 》 ∣ 特稿 · 大健身 Great Fitness·向死而生、人工生活和中国社会雕塑:斯蒂格勒访谈

 《画刊 》 ∣ 特稿 · 大健身 Great Fitness· 展览是身外之物:访王亚敏

《画刊》 ∣ 特稿 · 大健身Great Fitness· 历史中的身体:由“新生活运动”谈起


4 - 31th Mar. 2016 

Selected artists, projects, groups, collectives, curators, writers and activists 
Anabasis 先进辑刊  Alexandre Ouairy  亚历山大·乌瑞  Apartment of Dreams Come True 圆梦公寓   Cheng Jialiang 成佳亮   Cabinet of Wonder 惊奇的房间   Douglas Lewis 道格拉斯·路易斯   Exhibitionist 展示癖:指甲计划   Fanchang Shit 反常   596 Acres 596英亩   Hu Xiangqian 胡向前   Hua Weihua 华韡华   iRRi ART iRRi艺术   Ju Anqi 雎安奇   Lai Chih-Sheng 赖志盛   Li Zhanyang 李占洋   Liu Chengrui & Gao Yuan 刘成瑞 & 高元   Lin Ke 林科   Li Mu 李牧   Moe Satt 莫萨   Mira Calix 米拉·卡里克斯  Cai Dongdong 蔡东东   Pink Republic  Pink Republic    Path Project 路径项目   Qilin Stall 麒麟铺   Shi Jinsong 史金淞   Song Ta 宋拓   Shop of Painting Art 绘画艺术坏蛋店   Very MK rooftop farm VeryMK天台农场   Xu Tan 徐坦   Xue Wenwen 薛问问   Xu Lu 徐璐   Xu Liwei 许力炜   Xiao Wucong 肖武聪   Yu Ying 于瀛   Yue Luping 岳路平   Yangjiang Group 阳江组

Producer:Li Xiaoshan   出品人:李小山
Curator:Wang Yamin  策展人:王亚敏



《丝路国际》前传 · 双年展作为艺术生产的平台丨AMNUA国际计划专题


外包主体 ·《丝路国际》正传丨AMNUA国际计划专题

Ran Dian 展评 | 小生产者的临时联盟-“丝路国际”展


外包|内销-AMNUA国际计划 I

南京艺术学院美术馆(AMNUA) 南京,中国


AdadHannah(Canada)/阿达德.汉娜(加拿大)   AndyDenzler (Switzerland)/安迪.丹兹勒(瑞士)  DarshanaPrasad(Sirlanka)/达尔善.普拉萨德(斯里兰卡)   Freeeart collective(UK)/自由由由艺术集体(英国)   UptopiaGroup-Deng Dafei+ HeHai(China) /乌托邦小组 - 邓大非 + 何海(中国)   DoubleFLy ArtCenter (China)/双飞艺术中心(中国)   ChengHuasha(China)/陈华沙(中国)   EdPien (Canada)/艾德.皮恩(加拿大)  GaoBrothers (China)/高氏兄弟(中国)   IsabelleWenzel (Germany)/伊莎贝拉.温策尔(德国)   JinFeng(China)/金锋(中国)   JudyRoss(German)/朱迪.罗斯(德)   JonathanMognahan (USA)/乔纳森.莫纳罕(美国)   KangXueru(China)/康学儒(中国)   Karinvan Dam(Netherlands)卡琳·范·达姆(荷兰)   KenLum (Canada)/林荫庭(加拿大)   LiuDing (China)/刘鼎(中国)LinJingjing(China)/林菁菁(中国) MathewCarver (Canada)/马修·卡弗(加拿大)   MingWong(Singapore)/黄汉明(新加坡)  PattyChang and David Kelley(USA)/张怡和大卫·凯利(美国)   SarahAnne Johnson(Canada)/萨拉·安妮·约翰逊(加拿大)   ShenYi Elsie (China)/沈怡(中国)   TheaJones and Matthew   Walker(Canada)/西娅·琼斯和马修·沃克(加拿大)  ThomasBaumann(Austria)/托马斯·鲍曼(奥地利)   WimoAmbala Bayang(Indonesia)/巍莫·阿巴拉·巴扬(印度尼西亚)   X1DP./(X1 DP.)   YanXiaojing (Canada/China)/闫晓静(加拿大/中国)  ZhangKechun(China)/张克纯(中国)   ZhangZhaohui (China)/张朝晖(中国)  


LeeQinling(Malaysia)/李沁灵(马来西亚)   Ash Moniz(Canada)/阿什·莫尼兹(加拿大)  


DouglasLewis,Guest Curator(Canada) & Wang Yamin, Host Curator (China)/   道格拉斯.路易斯, 客席策展人(加拿大)&王亚敏(中国)

Consulate Generalof Canada | Consulat général du Canada | 加拿大驻上海总领事馆
ConsulateGeneral of the Kingdom of the Netherlands/荷兰王国驻上海总领事馆
The Canada Council for the Arts/加拿大艺术委员会





Art Museum of Nanjing Universityof the Arts

